Planting Continues
How'd we do? You decide! With the help of the Solana Beach ECO crew, we planted more than 100 natives:
- 9 Oak Trees
- 14 Sycamore Trees
- 66 Mulefat Shrubs
- 24 Willow Bushes
“A special thanks to everyone who showed up and joined our friends from the Solana Beach Eco Rotary Club in habitat restoration by planting native trees. Check out their website to see photos of this amazing group helping to restore our native environment.”
Plant locations are planned in advance and indicated with colored flags.
As a Partner of the DDHPL, the Solana Beach Eco Rotary Club has joined us at monthly work parties to actively restore our native habitat around Lake Hodges. Visit their blog to see more photos.
Interested in joining the action? Check our list of upcoming events - we'd love to see you there!