Planting Has Commenced!
With the help of our volunteers, this month the DDHPL has planted hundreds of new natives. Rather than digging holes for each new plant, the recent rains have made the ground pliable enough to pound in each pole cutting with a 3 pound sledge hammer.
Dec. 3-4: "Thanks to the efforts of local volunteers and our friends from Solana Beach Eco-Rotarians, the Del Dios Habitat Protection League's efforts to restore our native environment was bolstered by the planting of 250 natives!"
- Stan Alstrum
Dec. 10-11: 200 Pole cuttings of mulefat were planted at Green Lagoon on Saturday and more poles collected on Sunday for planting the following week.
Dec. 18th: A group of our local teen volunteers hammered in 300 plants - bringing the total for this group to 750! Go Teens!!
The "Mulefat Chain Gang" earned their name by planting 300 pole cuttings in a single day!