Welcome Back Boaters and Fishermen
A few minor changes were made at the shoreline for launching kayaks and boat rentals to protect wildlife and limit shoreline pollutants.
Vehicles are allowed for 10 minutes for Loading and Unloading Only. Lake use parking in the paved parking lot near the Concession stand. It is more important than ever to keep parking off the shoreline this year, since Hodges was closed and wildlife had the run of the area.
Keep noise low -Quiet conversation only. Normal conversation volume only (estimated as 60 decibels) is the recommendation from San Diego wildlife biologists. Wildlife are raising young close to the shore as the county shut down changed animal behavior. With the lake closed since March, and so few cars, boats and people, the brushy shoreline became ideal nesting habitat.
Birds have nested closer than usual to the launch areas. Many birds make nests low in shrubs or on the ground where people and dogs walk. Birds choose nesting locations considering food supply and nest security they did this while the lake was closed - without cars, boats or fishing. It is a federal violation to disturb or tamper with a bird or their nest. There are still many babies trying to get a start on life and unable to navigate humans and dogs.
Show your respect for Mother Nature - keep dogs and people out of brushy areas, park in the paved lot and keep noise levels low.
Thank you for your cooperation, it is truly appreciated.